a twice-weekly FREE Photo E-zine to Inspire and Transform through Sheila Finkelstein's Photography and Journal Writing

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little blue heron reflection

"Sheila Finkelstein weaves her eye for capturing nature's light with and exquisite talent for asking questions that lead to self-reflection - opening "knew" views of the inner you in her PICTURE TO PONDER ezine." Stacey Robin, GoGratitude

"You have a way of combining photography and words that is LIFE ALTERING!!" Morgine Jurdan, Communications with Love

"After receiving your gifts of beauty and reflection, as well as encouragement to ponder myself, I do wonder how I met my hours at the computer without them." Carolyn Gabb

"It's like receiving a visual present when I open my e-mail," Judith Schwab, with a sentiment expressed by many of our subscribers. "

"It inspires and delights me," Carolyn Beale .

A sample of the Picture to Ponder Format follows:

Reflection of an Immature Little Blue Heron in Wakodahatchee Wetlands, the top FAVORITE from the first 100 issues PICTURE TO PONDER. See TOP 12. For those who have requested, it is now available imprinted on blank note cards, mugs and on a year-at-a-glance calendar. See LITTLE BLUE.


It is my desire to inspire you, through my photography and words, to discover and expand your own individual greatness in seeing, imagining and/or creating. My deepest pleasure comes when someone writes to say that when he/she viewed photo that came in for the day, his/her emotional state had been restored.

In a format, similar to this center section, an e-mail contains a photo a photo or two, sometimes three.
I strongly recommend readers BE with the photo(s) for a moment or two before moving on to the text.

Know that there will be something in every photo used that caught my eye and had me "capture" it. It may have been in the color, the patterns, the texture, the mood. Sometimes a hidden image surfaces for me, at the time the photo is taken. Very often it becomes noticeable only after it's printed or on the screen.

I invite you to explore each photo for the meaning it might or might not have for you. Some suggested tools for *being* with the photos and furthering other activities, if you desire, can be found in my article, ACCIDENTAL ART.

While am putting together each issue the photo(s) inspire thoughtful questions, such as in the following example:


As the little blue heron above feeds and reflects, his actions drop by drop are having an impact and creating an expansion in the water, his world, ultimately expanding far beyond him.

What thoughtful actions have you taken recently where their ripples far outreach your own small world of possibility? I invite you to reflect also, "Are there actions you've taken, words you may have spoken, where you did not consider the consequences, the ripple effect?"

If you've come up with answers for both these queries, "Then, which set of circumstances feels better to you? Where are you most empowered?"

I invite you to come play in my world/our world and SUBSCRIBE to PICTURE TO PONDER.

To see all of the ISSUES follow the Links at the Bottom of Each Issue or visit the ARCHIVES. Issues from 170 and beyond are also on our BLOG. You may also listen to AUDIO COMMENTS.

© 2004 - 2007 Sheila Finkelstein
www.eteletours.com or

©2004 - 2007 Sheila Finkelstein - eTeletours is a division of Nature's Playground

Images on this pages are copyrighted.
Permission is required to use or pass them on for any purpose.
Contact Sheila for further info.

Last Updated 7/28/07