July 18 , 2007
Volume 3 - Number 46

Wow, What a Resource!!

I received my 50-page Workbook for the WOMEN'S WRITING AND PUBLISHING SUMMIT July 19 (PM) -21 & 25. It includes speaker information, the questions being asked of them and a wide variety of links to helpful information.

There is still time to Register.
See the line-up. Go to PUBLISHING TELESUMMIT

pink bush in Boynton Beach neighborhood

pink leaves

IMPORTANT: If this photo inspires writing or anything else that has you share it and the photo, please be certain to credit the source, including the URL of this issue,

Today's Picture to Ponder Photos
Pink Flower/Leaves from an unidentified bush in Boynton Beach, Florida
- (to be identified within the next week - Bookmark the blog and check back if you are interested in the update.)

When walking in our neighborhood, one evening, I was attracted to, and captivated by, a bush full of with pink flowers (?) that look like leaves. I felt embraced by the warm and lush pinks. A sense of love was present for me. There was also an overall feeling sensuality.

Because it was moving toward darkness and the light was low, I was unable to capture sharp photographs of the imagery. I stated that I would come back the following day. Unfortunately I forgot and it was 4 days later that I remembered.

The top photo here was taken the first evening. Though it did not capture the "pinkness," I'm drawn to the whole different quality of the satiny feeling that comes across. The lower photo was taken three days later in the middle of a bright day.

Self-Reflecting Queries
My main point in featuring today's photographs is to show examples of what happens when planned action is inadvertently, or otherwise, delayed.

Part of the differences in the colors in the bush is the difference in midday lighting. As, importantly though, in the above scenario is that, as undistinguishable as it may seem, the "flowers" had advanced to a more mature stage of growth, no long embodying the freshness that I first saw.

Are there places in your life now, where you are planning to take action at some point, and are still waiting for something to happen? If so, I invite you to act now. It may be as simple as recording what's in the present, looking at it from many perspectives.

When I became open, during the time when I was still in the "pink of it" (see blurred photo), there came the whole other perspective of the satiny appearing aspect of the photo.

As I conclude here, I am choosing to use today's photos to remind myself that changes do take place, whether we are present or not. If there is something important I want to see happen, I will plug in the anchors to remember to follow up as soon as possible.

How about you? What can you take away from these examples? Can you have fun with it?

Writing and Publishing Telesummit
If you are a writer, or an aspiring writer, you are invited to
join in on a one of a kind event with leading experts from the
world of writing, publishing, literary agencies, and much

The conference is
held on the phone and registration includes MP3 recordings for those unable to attend any of the sessions. See Writing and Publishing for details.

Reader's Comments
are welcome on our BLOG. When you go there, you'll see the current issue and photo and a link at the end for Posting Comments. To see the photo ENLARGED, at the same size you see it here, simply click on it.

If posting on a blog is not your style, please continue to send your comments directly to me. Learning what you are experiencing means a lot. It is part of the reward of Picture to Ponder for me.

Additional Subscribers Desired

If you are enjoying Picture to Ponder, please pass your experiences of it on to your friends and colleagues and suggest that they, too, SUBSCRIBE.

Special thanks to those of you who have been passing this on!


photograph of Sheila Finkelstein
© 2007 Sheila Finkelstein

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V3-Issue #45
V3-Issue #46

A FREE twice-weekly photo ezine meant to delight, inspire, motivate and sometimes challenge.
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©2005 - 2007 Sheila Finkelstein - All photos and written content are copyrighted and, unless otherwise noted, the property of Sheila Finkelstein and eTeletours.com. Photos and writings may be printed out for personal use and inspiration only. All other rights are reserved.

Modification, further reproduction, or distribution of any of the content is prohibited without express written permission. For other uses contact Sheila

Updated 7/18/07